Requesting Days Off

Shift Agent provides a very eloquent way for you to request time off.

(MGRS:  You can simply CREATE a day off on behalf of any employee by navigating to their profile and using the Days Off section.)


  1. Click the Day Off button on your app.
  2. Select the type of request
  3. Fill in each of the relevant fields (start day, time, etc)
  4. Reason:  State a reason that will help you receive the most favorable outcome.
  5. Tap the Create Request button.
There are multiple categories to choose from when making a request:

  • One Full DayI need next Friday off…
  • Partial DayI have a dentist appointment, but I can work the afternoon…
  • Date RangeI need three days off in a row…
  • It’s Complicated – I need 2 and a half days off in a row, but I can work the afternoon of the 3rd day…
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  • Your manager is alerted and can now respond to the request.  
  • Shift Agent reminds your manager when they are making the schedule that you have the day off if it is approved.  
  • You can always check the status of your request.
  • You will be notified when the request is approved or denied.
Over the Limit? Your store may or may not have limits set for the number of days off allowed to be requested.  Remember, just because your request is not over the limit does NOT mean that you can just assume it is approved.  You must receive a confirmation that the day off is approved.  If your request is in fact coming in over the limit, you will be asked to acknowledge this fact before it is submitted.  You can still submit your request for your manager’s consideration.  The purpose here is to help you and your manager to be effective.


Be mindful that your manager is going to work hard to be equitable when it comes to granting requests for time off.  It is important for each member of the team to be thoughtful of others who also make requests.

Shift Agent tracks how many days off that you have along with everyone else on your team.  Keep this in mind, that the manager has to be fair to everyone on the team in terms of granting requests.

Do what you need to do.  But with that said, if you are “That guy” who goes through and makes 37 requests for days off… all at one time… to try and beat everyone else to the punch, just know that it will be obvious to your manager.

Make requests that you need to make.  Live your life.  But always consider others.


If your manager schedules you to work on a day that you were given off, you are still responsible to work the shift until you are able to work things out with your manager.


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