Base Rates and Exceptions (pay rates)

The Base Rate is the default pay rate for every employee in Shift Agent.  The base rate is used unless you provide an exception that would apply in a given situation. Exceptions are either: Training Rates:  Rates used when the Training flag is applied to a position for a specific employee.  When the training flag […]

Budget and Man-hours Data

When you are building the schedule, the Guide Bar can be very helpful in providing real-time projections for labor cost. Every shift that you add to the schedule, will automatically calculate the cost of the shift and aggregate into total cost for the day.  Our philosophy is to let you seamlessly view this data, while you […]

Guide Bar for Weekly Scheduling

The Guide Bar is designed to give you the week at a glance while you are scheduling. When you are on the scheduling page, you will notice the Guide Bar at the top of the page.  You can use this guide to help you achieve lean labor by using the productivity guide. The Guide Bar is […]

Lean Labor

Shift Agent defines Lean Labor in the following way: Lean Labor:   (n) Maintaining your desired level of customer service with the most efficient investment in labor at every quarter hour. Achieving Lean Labor is an ongoing challenge.  Shift Agent provides several tools that can make the process possible. Timeline View (use this to review […]

Pay Rates for Employees

Shift Agent allows you to set the Pay Rate for every employee to guide you with tracking your projected labor expenses.  Each position entry is tied to a pay rate. To set the pay rate for an employee Open an employee profile and click on the Pay Rates tab. Set the Base Rate pay rate, and then […]

Pay Rates in Shift Agent

Pay Rates and budget data in Shift Agent serve only as a GUIDE. The numbers for budget and man-hours do NOT necessarily reflect actual hours worked, and therefore should not be used to determine exactly what an employee should be paid. Every employee can have an hourly pay rate assigned to them so that the hours they are […]

Productivity Calculation

One of the most helpful metrics for gaining insight into the effect of scheduling on your business is the measurement of productivity. Productivity is Sales/Hours Scheduled. Shift Agent provides a productivity calculation within the Projections area. How to See Productivity In order to see the projection data, you need to: Input the Sales Projection for […]

Reviewing Labor Goals

Shift Agent provides a number of tools and views that are designed to help you maintain Lean Labor. Most stores don’t necessarily start with the most efficient labor scheduling.  That’s okay!  You can  create opportunities to learn how to make the most efficient store labor schedule that maintains your desired guest experience. Once you have setup […]

Set Projections

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Make Your First Schedule

Each week, Shift Agent provides you with the ability to set your labor level according to your sales projections.  These projections act as a helpful guide for you as you make the schedule for the week. The projections are reflected in the Guide Bar for the week, so that you can see your spending in […]

Trim Labor

Trimming your labor can mean the difference of a huge amount to your bottom line.  Trimming is the main way that you can get to lean labor. We encourage you to have a rhythm of scheduling that enables you to review how your days are going and to find and create ways of trimming your labor […]