Copy and Paste the Schedule

A common question about Shift Agent is “How do I copy and paste last week’s schedule?” How Copy and Paste works in typical scheduling The traditional form of copy and pasting schedules is fundamentally different from how Shift Agent works.  It usually involves copying the people who worked last week at certain times and simply repeating […]

Draw Mode (add shifts by drawing)

This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series Make Your First Schedule

Shift Agent allows you to interact with the schedule by drawing unassigned shifts onto the schedule for a day. Once you have drawn the shifts, all of them are unassigned until you use Smart Scheduling or assign them individually. Click the  icon in the upper left corner of the scheduling page. Watch the video to […]

Employee Introduction

This entry is part 15 of 16 in the series Getting Started

Simple Introduction Shift Agent makes it easy for all employees to activate and to login for the first time. We take the hassle out of you having to explain everything to your team.  After they walk through the basics, they are immediately brought to the homepage on a mobile device or on a computer.  On […]

Focus on People

This entry is part 4 of 16 in the series Getting Started

The great result of setting up your store blueprint is that each time you build the schedule, you have the margin for more focus on people. “Let’s not put these two people in the same area of the store today since their dating relationship took a turn for the worse.” Be a Hero Provide Flexibility […]

Last Week – Consistency

Shift Agent’s recommendation system in Smart Scheduling takes into account the person who worked the shift Last Week.  You will see indicators on the Employee Card and on the person’s name in the list.  This is an important component of Shift Agent’s overall replacement of the process of basic “copy and paste” of schedules. The […]

Menu (mobile) for Employees

The menu on mobile has several options to assist the Employees with getting the information that they need. Employee Menu Employees can: View their profile Share/Hide their contact info for the Team Directory See the Store Schedule See who is working today View the Team Directory Pickup shifts that are available Request/View Days Off Review all […]

Partial Days Off

Partial Days Off: An employee can request part of a day off, for example from 9am-12pm for a dentist appointment. Shift Agent handles the partial day off in a powerful way while you are scheduling. You respond to partial day off requests the same way that you would respond to any other day off request. […]

Remove Day Off Request

This entry is part 11 of 13 in the series Days Off

In the event that a Day Off request is no longer needed by one of your employees, a MGR can remove the request.  (Employees have the option to cancel their request themselves if it is no longer needed.  Effectively, this allows them to make themselves available again.) Removing the request will cause Smart Scheduling to reconsider the […]

Shift Bar – A Color Guide

Here is a reference or what the shift bar colors represent on the Scheduling Page: Flashing Template (Ghost): This potential shift is a part of a template, and it becomes real when it is assigned via Smart Scheduling or Skipped in order to assign it later. You can click to adjust the shift times or […]

The 20 Minute Schedule

Yeah, you can do it faster than 20 minutes with Shift Agent.  And yes, there are companies that might tell us that they can make schedules in seconds.  But we think 20 minutes or so is the right amount of time to spend.  Here’s why: Think about this for a minute.  Your operation and your […]